Thursday, April 27, 2006

Shopkeepers: Know your Market

Fancy a Can? Posted by Picasa
If I were a drunk, unlikely in my case being a clean-living tea-totaller, but if I were, I'd shop here.


crisky said...

2 Blunts for a pound? As in Phillies?

Mikey said...

No I'm not drunk now, I'm at work. I was last night though!

There is nothing to explain really. It's a shop that sells booze at keen prices, that's it. I just liked the tag lines for the various products.

Now Crisky I'm not really sure about the blunt situation. Next time your in thesmoke you'll have to call in and find out.

crisky said...

I will. Love the 'Special Offers - Get meh!' as well. We only get Bargain Booze with their glossy offers posters, with the dodgy innuendoes and scantily clad women. Don't like it.