Friday, May 05, 2006

Bush Skills - Reduced to Clear Challange

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Winning the 'reduced to clear' challenge would put all my urban bush skills to the test. Like Ray Mears, I would have to rely upon an intimate knowledge of my environment, and the daily cycles of store opening and closing hours to take advantage of any seasonal glut.

I knew from Lucinda's experience that Islington branch of Sainsbury's afforded rich pickings for the alert urban hunter gatherer, so I headed straight for the bakery department. I scanned the shelves quickly and methodically until I spotted my prey. There they were, Yumyums, herded together and oblivious to my stealth-like approach. Instinctively, now almost in a trance like state, I swooped, and with one deft move they were safely corralled within my shopping basket.

Yumyums, original price £1.99, reduced to clear price 20p!


csf said...

Wow, I've never been more proud to be your girlfriend.

csf said...

Oh damn, I thought my sarkiness was coming through there! Just kidding Mikey. Sort of.

crisky said...

Don't all the hardcore heads go through the bins round the back? So I've heard.....

crisky said...

Actually I could do with a degree, I do owe it to my future, i do it owe it to my future, it do owe it to my future.......shit, they got me!

Mikey said...

If they were running courses in urban bush craft and they were run by Ray Mears then I might be interested. Mind I've already passed my foraging module.