Yeah, yeah, I know they are boring to you, but fuckin' hell man I love my 'sky garden'. I had a baby salad leaf sandwich for my lunch today with leaves grown in my sky garden. Last night I had a stir fry with sugar snap peas from my sky garden. This morning I had a couple of raspberries before breaky from my sky garden. If I wasn't 'networking' with Graham and Andy tonight, I could have had a cheese tomato and basil omelette for my tea, with tomatoes and basil from my sky garden!
Check out more pictures from my fantastic sky garden here:
http://www.photobox.co.uk/album/3457969Tip: choose 'view as slide show', this link can be found in the grey bar under the main album title.
Your sky garden is awesome.
Your sky garden is ill.
Your sky garden is dope.
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